Mark of Approval Web & Marketing

April 2021 Update: Looking back on March

I have decided to start a monthly feed and news update for both and

I’ll certainly be showing you some cool resources and highlighting some awesome colleagues. But before I get to that, I’d like to acknowledge some of the March Maddness.

March 2021 was strange. It was the best month I’ve had in terms of productivity, but ironically the worst month I have had in terms of health.

I relaunched this website, picked up a few new clients, helped my existing clients with their own launches and made lots of new connections. But I was also the sickest I’d ever been, was diagnosed with some serious illnesses and had to say goodbye to a beloved pet.

Saying Goodbye to Annie

At the end of March, we had to say goodbye to our very dear, long-time family cat, Annie.

Annie was found 19 years ago by my sister, as an orphaned wild cat, being swung from the tale by a bunch of goon teens, while she was studying horticulture.

My sister snatched the vulnerable kitten from their clutches and brought her back to the master household even after her teacher offered to drown the poor puss in the creek.

At the end Annie was as fit as a fiddle despite her arthritic body. She never had processed cat food – her own choice. Sadly we could not save her from the deterioration of her brain.

I want to take some time to reflect on her life (she just missed her 20th birthday) and thank the HouseCallVet for their kindess and comfort they showed us and Annie. They certainly went above and beyond when all the other vets turned us away on that emotional filled Saturday morning.

Client Highlight

On a happier note, I would love to congratulate my mentor and client, Tawnya Sutherland, on her product launch.

While I was not a big part of this launch, she certainly kept me busy optimising her server.

Tawnya recently launched her new course, showing Virtual Assistants how to scale up their income, and you can see her great work here

Tawnya is always a pleasure to work for and I’d highly recommend checking out her free resources for achieving growth within your business if you are providing services online.

Tawnya uses Divi by Elegant Themes to build out her pages. While I am not a big Divi user, it is certainly worth checking out.

Student Highlight

It’s so hard to choose which one of my WP Study Group students to highlight, but I am going to start this month with Kat of Oceans Edge Biz.

Kat has been an avid student of WordPress for as long as I have known her and she has even turned her focus from Divi to Elementor.

She is dedicated to investing in herself to get to where she needs to be, while keeping things that are not relevant to her at arms length. Kat booked a few one-on-one’s with me so she could get feedback and tutelage while working on real life projects.

I even featured her testimonial on the homepage of my newly branded website – see her on my homepage.

Interesting Things to Checkout

One of my colleagues and good friends, Fern Chang of Planner Ideas, introduced me to a productivity app called which I have found really cool. It’s kinda like a way to organise content – or a second brain to quote Fern. It reminds me of Gutenerg for WordPress but its much faster to load than Gutenberg and Google Docs.

I was cautious about it at first, but now I’m hooked!

Lastly, feel free to check outo my new updated LinkedIn Profile. I have put my energy into my web development career and I am more focused on delivering results through my skills as a WordPress Programmer.

That’s our update for this month. Keep an eye out for our next one and feel free to ask any questions in the comments below.

Ciao for now!

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