Mark of Approval Web & Marketing

Avrill Stark Production

Avrill and I met at a mastermind session. Many of the people in our group would often have dreams of launching a website but not the time, energy or confidence to do so. Avrill decided to take the plunge and have me create her a website. The goal was to raise awareness of her brand and her new show, The Deep.

Avrill is an award winning producer of children’s television shows and wanted a website to showcase her portfolio as well as represent her personality.

Our Approach

To kick off the project, Avrill had a visual concept created by her graphic designers. I was able to take the file and create and develop a website out of it. It was a nicely designed visual blueprint.

It was extremely important that the site looked clean, fun and allowed people to get in touch with their inner child.

I created the site within a couple of days and we spent a month following perfecting the content.

The Result

Avrill was very happy with her new website. Her feedback was to reduce and strip some of the white space but she loved the personality that shined through. Avrill is reknown in the industry for her Red Sneakers.


Since launching her website, Avrill has taken up coaching and won many more awards. You can see her impressive portfolio on her awards page.

You can see Avrill’s site here:

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