Mark of Approval Web & Marketing

Why You Must Make a Lasting Impression to First Time Visitors

Imagine how great it feels to get a lot of traffic to your site. That is a good possibility, especially if you are putting yourself out there, but it’s not the end game.

The reality is, many of us do get traffic from our efforts; but nothing further beyond the visit happens.

This is because we are not making a connection or good first impression.

You really need your visitor to take an action on their first visit because you may not have another shot.

According to Straight North, 84% of website conversions occur on the first visit. This has been their findings based on a review of over 300, 000 true sales leads.

A First Impression Can Make Or Break You

Just like in the world of dating, you can really damage your chances of a future relationship if you screw up the first interaction. The same goes for me, as a consultant.


This is also the same for websites. While there is no direct personal interaction, there are elements that can destroy your chances or make you a superstar.

Straight North has generously put their findings into a slide-deck and I highly encourage you to check it out.

10 Website Tips For Converting On the First Visit from an Internet marketing company

Here are some takeaways

While the report has 10 ways to making that lasting impression, each “way” has some tips you can quickly implement.

I’m going to look at 3 tips that you can work on today if you are in a hurry:


Get Personal: The days of old, robotic talk on your website are long gone. Perhaps because of social media, people like a more conversational approach. Be sure to be inclusive in your copy.

Some ways of doing this include using live talking head video where people get to see you interacting with them. While it doesn’t always need to be live, seeing you on camera can really help build rapport.


Intuitive Navigation: Sometimes we try and get a little fancy with our navigation and menus. I’ve attempted to take care with my own navigation system and show only what is needed. I mean, have you ever been to a website that has an enormous menu with even bigger dropdowns?

A good rule of thumb is to use standard navigation labels. For example, I have attempted to use other labels in place of blog such as “training” and “articles” but they never work as well. Stick with what your target audience understands.


Mobile Friendly Design: I have often asked clients if they think their website is mobile friendly. Many believe because it is mobile responsive that also means mobile friendly. I spoke to a colleague who rightfully suggested there is more to a mobile view than just having elements stack properly.

One tip not covered is having phone numbers that become clickable at a mobile size. But what is more surprising, is the realization that above the fold is not always necessary on mobile devices. We are used to, and should embrace, scrolling on such devices.


So there are just a few tips for you. Feel free to check out the slide-deck by Straight North here and leave your feedback on how you are making your site more “first-time” friendly.

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