Mark of Approval Web & Marketing

Transform Your Passion into Profit with a Custom Membership Site

Go to the next level with our easy to use Membership Sites “Done For You” Service

A Membership Website can be an exciting initial though but...

Building and growing a successful membership site can be daunting. Many entrepreneurs find themselves overwhelmed by technical challenges, limited by inflexible platforms, and unable to engage their audience effectively We often hear our colleagues complaining about:

Without the right tools and support, maintaining an efficient, secure site becomes a constant struggle, ultimately stunting business growth and potential.

Imagine Having Your Own Customized Membership Site

Total control, tailored experiences, and effortless management at your fingertips.

Complete Ownership

Imagine owning a flexible platform that grows with your business, free from the constraints of third-party providers.

Customized User Experience

Picture a site designed precisely for your audience, enhancing engagement with every click.

Ease of Use for Everyone

Envision a system where both admin tasks and member navigation are streamlined and intuitive.

Does this sound good?

If you are like many other savvy entrepreneurs, you are probably nodding your head in agreement right now. Having full control of your property and being able to tailor it to the vision you have in your own mind is one of the most empowering ways to run a membership. Believe me, I’ve been there.

Which is why I put together this package for subject matter experts. And if that is you, keep reading to learn more of what I have bundled from past client projects into one comprehensive package.

Let Us Guide You to Success

Consider us your behind-the-scenes team, dedicated to turning your concept of a perfect membership site into reality. With our expert guidance, you can navigate the complexities of site creation with confidence. We understand the challenges and nuances of building engaging, effective membership platforms, and we’re here to help you overcome them. Our role is to provide the tools, strategies, and support you need to thrive. Let’s work together to build a site that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

What Our Solution Includes

Empower Your Online Presence with Comprehensive Membership Site Solutions

Strategy and Content Strategy

  • Target Market Definition: Identify the ideal target market, understanding their desires, obstacles they face in achieving their goals, fears about taking action, and the consequences of inaction.
  • The Offer: Specify the offer’s price point, guarantees, and proofs of social and operational success. Name the membership or offer, describe its unique angle or hook, and detail the time required to deliver results and the effort involved.
  • Content Voice and Tone: Ensure alignment with the brand’s values, creating a consistent and engaging narrative.
  • Branding Elements: Define branding elements, including colors and fonts, or use metaphorical depictions to enhance brand identity.
  • Value Proposition: Articulate a compelling value proposition and a unique angle that distinguishes the brand.
  • Challenging the Status Quo: Present the big idea that sets the brand apart and how it challenges existing norms.
  • Headline Creation: Develop a powerful value proposition headline that captures the essence and appeal of the brand.
  • Website Sitemap: Map out the website structure, detailing the essential pages and their purpose.
  • Content Maps/Templates: Provide users with content maps or templates to assist in content creation or to serve as inspiration.

Custom Design and User Experience

    • Tailored Web Pages: We create beautifully designed web pages, customized to align perfectly with your vision.
    • Content Patterns: Utilize winning content patterns like “The Story Branded Homepage” to captivate your audience.
    • Lead Capture Forms: Incorporate contact and subscribe forms to gather email addresses from interested visitors not yet ready to engage directly.
    • SEO Optimization: Ensure your site ranks well in search engines and appears prominently in social media through tailored SEO strategies.
    • Contextual SEO Schematics: Enhance search relevance with SEO schematics for specific content such as recipes, events, or local business listings.
    • Reusable Templates: Empower you with customizable templates, providing the autonomy to expand your site’s content as needed.
    • Strategic Proof Factors: Place badges and testimonials strategically to build credibility and trust among visitors.
    • Global Design System: Implement a global design system that allows for quick and easy updates across the site with just a click.

Robust Membership Systems

  • Membership Levels: Define the membership levels of your offer to cater to different user needs and preferences.
  • Payment Options: Choose from yearly, monthly, or quarterly payment options to provide flexibility for your members.
  • Payment Gateway Integration: Integrate the payment gateway of your choice for secure and seamless transactions.
  • CRM Integration: Incorporate your CRM to manage member interactions and data effectively.
  • Course and Content Structure: Organize your courses and membership content in a structured and accessible way.
  • Templatized Membership Area: Streamline content updates with templates that simplify the addition of new content.
  • Custom User Dashboard: Create a personalized dashboard that enhances user experience by centralizing access to all important features.
  • Affiliate Platform Integration: Add an affiliate platform to leverage peer promotions, compensating only for successful conversions.
  • Optional Features: Include options for a forum and directory to enhance community engagement and member resources.

Sales and Marketing Funnels

  • Designed Salespage for your offer
  • Lead page for your lead magnet or mini-class
  • Miniclass layout for 3 launch videos 
  • Confirm your email and delivery pages
  • Hook up buttons  for payment and leads
  • Analytics to track incoming targeted and sales and leads
  • Duplicable pages for new offers
  • Smart Order Form Templates for one off payments or quantity payments like coaching sessions or event tickets+

Ongoing Support

  • Premium Hosting: Host your website on our super-fast servers for optimal performance and reliability.
  • Regular Updates: Receive weekly updates to ensure your website remains current with the latest features and security.
  • Frequent Backups: Benefit from daily or weekly backups, tailored to your specific needs, to safeguard your website data.
  • Discounted Services: Enjoy discounts on troubleshooting, new additions to your website, or training sessions to enhance your site’s functionality.
  • Code & Care Club Access: Gain exclusive access to new developments and premium resources as part of our Code & Care Club.
  • Enhanced Security Monitoring: Experience peace of mind with tightened security monitoring that protects your site from potential threats.

What they are saying

I am astounded at Mark’s talent for web design and php programming. He has rebuilt my membership website from the ground up, keeping the bones of the design in tact whilst improving all aspects which either did not look good or were difficult for the user.

It is rare to find a programmer who can put himself in the users shoes including the website owner as well as the owner’s customers. He designs solutions which are empowering and easy to update. He has streamlined the back end and simplified all complexities. He is an expert in membership sites, affiliate marketing, e-commerce, online training portals and automation.

He is easy to work with and really cares about delivering a high quality product. I could not recommend him highly enough. Thanks Mark.

Angela De Palma
She Simply Impacts

Why Choose Us?

Expertise That Elevates Your Business

Proven Expertise and Experience

With years of specialized experience in web development and deep knowledge of membership site architecture, we bring a level of expertise that is unparalleled in the industry. Our team has successfully launched numerous sites, each customized to meet the unique needs of our clients. From complex programming challenges to innovative design solutions, our track record speaks for itself.

Custom Solutions for Unique Needs

We understand that no two businesses are the same, which is why we offer fully customized solutions tailored to your specific goals and requirements. Whether you’re looking to enhance user engagement, streamline site management, or expand your revenue streams, our solutions are designed to align perfectly with your business objectives.

Client-Centric Approach

Your success is our priority. We take the time to understand your business, your challenges, and your aspirations. Our approach is always collaborative, ensuring that every aspect of your membership site is crafted with your vision in mind. This client-focused methodology has earned us enduring partnerships and glowing testimonials from those we’ve helped achieve their digital goals.

Innovative Solutions Backed by Latest Technology

Staying ahead of the curve is essential in the fast-evolving digital landscape. We employ the latest technologies and innovative strategies to ensure your membership site is not only effective but also future-proof. From cutting-edge security measures to the latest in CRM integrations, your site will leverage the best tools available.

Reliable Results and Transparent Communication

We believe in transparency and reliability at every step of the process. From initial consultations to post-launch support, we provide clear communication and regular updates. Our clients value the consistent results and dependable service we deliver, knowing their site is in expert hands.

Ongoing Support & Growth

Ongoing Support and Growth

Our relationship doesn’t end at launch. We offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your site continues to function flawlessly as your business grows. As part of our commitment to your long-term success, we provide regular updates, security checks, and performance optimizations, along with strategic advice to help you continue to thrive.

What they are saying

Mark was my go to person when I recently had a complicated revamp of my WordPress redesign to attend to. His extensive knowledge in the underworld side of WordPress definitely was a deciding factor for me on who to get for this project to solve with the solutions I required.

Tawnya Sutherland
VA Networking


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