Mark of Approval Web & Marketing

Helpful Tips & Tricks


Creating Your Content

How to Create a Stress-free 7 day eCourse

With a mini-course, it’s easy to introduce your offer to a new audience keeping your current audience spellbound and loyal. This will help ease them into your marketing funnel where you nurture and introduce them to paid offers or high-ticket items.

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Creating Your Content
Mark Hunter

The Key to Creating Engaging Membership Sites

Assuming you have members who will join; engaging them is another big step. And yes keeping members engaged is important if you don’t want them to leave you! We’re going to look at ways…

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Mark Hunter

A Useful Way of Getting More Referrals

Did you know referrals is one of the warmest ways to attain new clients? I mean, who would you trust, the web designer with the site you just stumbled across or the designer your best friend recommended?

This isn’t a trick question. Referrals have pre-established trust because…

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Choosing Your Tech Stack
Mark Hunter

A Cost Free Method for Slowing Spam Down

Spam costs bloggers. We can’t let this happen. So I’m going to introduce 2 methods for combating spam, followed by a very powerful; yet little known way of battling it. And it uses a mechanism built right into WordPress.

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Operating Your Website
Mark Hunter

WordPress White Screen of Death

It is inevitable in your career as a WordPress solution provider that you’ll come across some bugs. Things will go pair shaped, they always do.

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Looking for a website redesign? Check out the templates here and find something you like.
Using the code MOAWM and get free entry into the very transformational mini-class that has made many businesses possible - including mine!

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"Mark is a life saver! He can fix any website problem."

Mark is a life saver! He can fix any website problem. I've known Mark for probably as many years as I have been in business (almost 15) and he has accompanied me on this journey. He has built sites for me from scratch, helped me merge two, helped me change hosting, change Wordpress template, change membership site - you name it, he's done it for me. Even if there's no apparent solution, thanks to his programming skills he will create one. As a person Mark is warm, humble and ethical. I'm blessed to know Mark and highly recommend him.
Sarah Santacroce, Switzerland
Humane Marketing
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