Mark of Approval Web & Marketing

Is a Website Good For Getting Clients?

Hey, today I am going to present some Frequently Asked Questions on whether a website is good for getting clients and why having a website does not mean more of.

I thought it would be fun to do this as an audio so, sit back, relax and listen.


Here are some takeaways from this audio.

  • Having built a website does not mean instant visitors
  • Build it and they will come is a myth
  • People don’t just flock to your website because the web is a BIG place
  • People need to be able to find you and that’s why you need to employ such methods
  • You can use Paid ads, Social Media and optimise for Search Engines to build your traffic campaign
  • You can also use joint ventures where you partner with others doing similar to share the traffic
  • Use Google Analytics to track who is coming to your website and from where
  • Finally, your message must be very clear, this is key

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