Mark of Approval Web & Marketing

Mark Hunter

Mark Hunter

Day 5 The Blog Feed

WordPress has a feed which is connected to the blog’s main query. What this means is that you can share a map of your blog posts, including by category, with external services. This makes it handy for other websites to curate and display your blog posts, or choose from them when pulling in data. I’ll

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Day 1 URL Guessing

Did you know that WordPress will try and guess the url before it throws a 404 error? A 404 error is simply a page not found. But if you type a partial URL, WordPress will guess the rest based on what you’ve typed so far. Try this on for size: Not there is no

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Career After Sport

After completing her other site, SC Career Transition, Julie returned to me to have her second site updated. Just like SC, this site had two langauges: English & French. This meant we had to produce each page twice and tie them together using a multi-lingual plugin. We used Beaver Builder for the page builder so

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